1814. A shameless philanderer, a true gentleman, and the season to be jolly.
Freddie knows he shouldn’t have done it. Even by his standards, seducing a bridegroom on his wedding day is wildly irresponsible. All he can do now is pray that it will be put down to drink and not be referred to again. Except… He just can’t put the bridegroom out of his head. It’s been months now, and there is no getting around it: he, Frederick Stanley, footloose and fancy free, has fallen for the worst possible person.
George just wants to do the right thing. That is why he has married the woman who seduced him, even though he is not at all sure that this seduction business agrees with him. And now it has happened again… This time, though, there is no accepted course of action available to him. He’ll just have to hope that it will be put down to wedding nerves and soon be forgotten. But it’s been months now, and he is still thinking about the man.
When Freddie and George unexpectedly find themselves staying at the same house at Christmas, they begin to see that perhaps things are not as hopeless as all that. In fact, it’s just about possible that they both get it right this time around.
Unintended Consequences is an M/M romance novelette set half a year before the events of Unwritten Rules.